I. APPLICATION INFORMATION. Check appropriate blocks(s).
Block A. Name. Enter legal name. Use no more than one middle name for record purposes. If you do not have a middle name, enter "NMN". If you have a middle initial only, indicate "Initial only." If you are a Jr., or a II, or III, so indicate. If you have an FAA certificate, the name on the application should be the same as the name on the certificate unless you have had it changed in accordance with 14 CFR Section 61.25.
Block B. Social Security Number. Do not leave blank: Use only US Social Security Number. Enter either "SSN" or the words "Do not Use" or "None." SSN's are not shown on certificates.
Block C. Date of Birth. Check for accuracy. Enter eight digits; Use numeric characters, i.e., 07-09-1925 instead of July 9, 1925. Check to see that DOB is the same as it is on the medical certificate.
Block D. Place of Birth. If you were born in the USA, enter the city and state where you were born. If the city is unknown, enter the county and state. If you were born outside the USA, enter the name of the city and country where you were born.
Block E. Permanent Mailing Address. Enter residence number and street, P.O. Box or rural route number in the top part of the block above the line. The City, State, and ZIP code go in the bottom part of the block below the line. FAA policy requires that you use your permanent mailing address. Justification must be provided on a separate sheet of paper signed and submitted with the application when a P0 Box or rural route number is used in place of your permanent physical address. A map or directions must be provided if a physical address is unavailable.
Block F. Citizenship. Check USA if applicable. If not, enter the country where you are a citizen.
Block G. Do you read, speak, write and understand the English language? Check yes or no.
Block H. Height. Enter your height in inches. Example: 5'8" would be entered as 68 in. No fractions.
Block I. Weight. Enter your weight in pounds. No fractions, use whole pounds only.
Block J. Hair. Spell out the color of your hair. If bald, enter "Bald." Color should be listed as black, red, brown, blond, or gray. If you wear a wig or toupee, enter the color of your hair under the wig.
Block K. Eyes. Spell Out the color of your eyes. The color should be listed as blue, brown, black, hazel, green, or gray.
Block L. Sex. Check male or female.
Block M. Do You Now Hold or Have You Ever Held An FAA Pilot Certificate? Check yes or no. (NOTE: A student pilot certificate is a "Pilot Certificate.")
Block N. Grade of Pilot Certificate. Enter the grade of pilot certificate (i.e., Student, Recreational, Private, Commercial, or ATP). Do NOT enter flight instructor certificate information.
Block 0. Certificate Number. Enter the number as it appears on your pilot certificate.
Block P. Date Issued. Enter the date your pilot certificate was issued.
Block Q. Do You Now Hold A Medical Certificate? Check yes or no. If yes, complete Blocks R, S, and T.
Block R. Class of Certificate. Enter the class as shown on the medical certificate, 1st 2nd or 3rd class.
Block S. Date Issued. Enter the date your medical certificate was issued.
Block T. Name of Examiner. Enter the name as shown on medical certificate.
Block U. Narcotics, Drugs. Check appropriate block. Only check "Yes" if you have actually been convicted. If you have been charged with a violation which has not been adjudicated, check "No".
Block V. Date of Final Conviction. If block "U" was checked "Yes" give the date of final conviction.
Block A. Completion of Required Test.
1. AIRCRAFT TO BE USED. (If flight test required)-- Enter the make and model of each aircraft used.
2. TOTAL TIME IN THIS AIRCRAFT (Hrs.) - (a) Enter the total Flight Time in each make and model. (b)
Pilot-In-Command Flight Time - In each make and model.
III. RECORD OF PILOT TIME. The minimum pilot experience required by the appropriate regulation must be entered. It is recommended, however, that ALL pilot time be entered. If decimal points are used, be sure they are legible. You should fill in the blocks that apply and ignore the blocks that do not.